Yuma Reliable Pool Guy or Associates agrees to service the swimming pool and/or spa, located at the agreed address for the indicated weekly sum.
Service User agrees to pay for services outlined below in accordance with the terms hereafter outlined in this agreement.
Services performed at each visit:
1. Check pool chemical level (Chlorine & pH).
2. Clean skimmer and pump baskets as needed
3. Vacuum pool/spa as needed
4. Brush pool/spa walls
5. Brush Waterline Tile
6. Skim both pool and spa
Services performed on a monthly or quarterly basis are as follows:
1. Check Conditioner level & add as needed.
2. Backwash filter as needed.
3. Check water Hardness and Total Dissolved Solids.
Items that are not covered in the monthly fee:
1. Chemicals, including shock, DE, Algaecides, Conditioner, Salt, etc.
2. Cleaning of the filter, depending on pool usage, every 3-6 months.
3. Filter and parts are billed as needed.
4. Any repairs to the pool or the pool equipment.
**Tile scouring is a separate billable service**
Holiday Policy:
Service visits will be made before or after the holiday.
To spend time with our family we take the week between Christmas and New Year’s off.
Rainy Day / Weather Policy:
Service will be rescheduled for safety.
Wind Policy:
Pools will be cleaned on their regular scheduled day. SEVERE weather events may take several visits to fully cure. Trees and other objects blown in the pool ARE NOT covered under this agreement.
Extra Cleanings/Party Prep/Non Scheduled Visits:
Will be billed as Separate visit events.
Sick Days:
In the event of a sick day or injury we will do our best to reschedule the service day for you. If we are unable to reschedule within 48 hours you will not be billed for the missed visit.
Vacation Policy:
We try to schedule vacations/off days when the Pool Season is Closed - in Yuma Pool Season Runs from March to November - We expect to make 48/92 visits per year, roughly 4/8 per month. There are 52 weeks in a year, you will not be billed for visits that we do not make. Billing is done on a monthly basis and your bill will itemize the number of visits and the chemicals applied.
Billing is to be set up on a Credit Card or ACH and billed automatically, visits will be billed in advance. Your bill will fluctuate based on visits, services, parts and chemicals. In the event of late/missed payment your service will be discontinued, until payment can be processed.
**Chemicals/Parts will be billed as needed.**
**We will provide you with a bucket of Chlorine, which will be billed in advance as needed.**
Owner's Responsibility:
1. Maintain proper water level
2. Clear and safe access to the pool area
3. Keep vegetation away from the pool equipment area
4. Secure pets AWAY from pool during visits
5. Maintain Chlorine during providers Sick/Vacation/Holiday days.
This agreement may be canceled anytime by written or oral
notice by either party. 10 days before the date service is to be discontinued.
Pool Cleaning and Maintenance Service Liability Waiver
This Liability Waiver (“Agreement”) is made between John Plough, DBA “Yuma Reliable Pool Guy”, referred to as “Service Provider,” and Service User, referred to as “Customer.”
WHEREAS: The Service Provider agrees to perform pool cleaning services for the Customer, and the Customer acknowledges that such services may involve certain risks.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the parties agree as follows:
1. Assumption of Risk The Customer acknowledges and agrees that:
1.1 Pool cleaning services inherently involve risks, including but not limited to damage to property, equipment failure, changes in water chemistry, and potential harm to pool users, pool surfaces or systems.
1.2 The Service Provider will perform services to the best of its ability; however, the Customer assumes full responsibility for any and all risks associated with the service, including those caused by the negligence of the Service Provider or its employees.
2. Waiver of Liability The Customer voluntarily releases, waives, and forever discharges the Service Provider, its officers, agents, employees, and contractors from any and all claims, liabilities, or damages, including but not limited to:
2.1 Damage to the Customer’s pool, property, or surrounding area.
2.2 Injuries to individuals or pets arising from or related to the pool cleaning services.
2.3 Adverse water chemistry effects resulting from treatments or products used.
2.4 Any other consequential or incidental damages.
3. Indemnification The Customer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Service Provider from any claims, lawsuits, or legal actions brought against the Service Provider by any third party due to actions or outcomes related to the provided services.
4. No Guarantee The Service Provider makes no guarantees regarding the results or outcomes of the pool cleaning services, including but not limited to the longevity of water clarity, chemical balance, or functionality of pool equipment.
5. Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Arizona.
6. Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes any prior agreements, whether written or verbal.
7. Severability If any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
Customer Acknowledgment: By accepting any services from the "Service Provider" , the Customer acknowledges they have read and understood this Agreement in its entirety, and they voluntarily agree to its terms.