Yuma Pool Service, Pool Repair and Pool Cleaning Service
Certified Pool Operator
Yes, we can service new pool cleaning customers!
Certified Pool Operator
Yes, we can service new pool cleaning customers!
Yuma Reliable Pool Guy, founded by John Plough, a CPO and CMS CERTIFIED pool pro and a US Navy Veteran, provides trusted and reliable weekly pool cleaning and pool maintenance services for the Yuma area. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, they ensure your pool remains pristine and inviting. Their services are not limited to cleaning; they also specialize in minor wear and tear repairs, taking the hassle out of pool maintenance. Leave the hard work to Yuma Reliable Pool Guy and dive into the pleasure of a crystal-clear pool every day.
Pool Cleaning Service
Service and Replace Pool Pumps
Fix Plumbing Leaks
Other "Handy Man Level" Repairs
Using a NSF certified swimming pool water testing device we measure 10 different pool water conditions. This test allows us to balance your swimming pool water properly for your safety and enjoyment. We are a Certified Pool Operator and we use the same system on residential pools that is required on commercial accounts.
We can supply your pool with the proper level of chemicals following accepted industry standards. Relieving you of the hassle of having to shop for and provide them on your own.
Depending on your pool, your filter needs to be cleaned every 3 to 6 months. This is in addition to backwashing which should be done for DE and Sand Filters on a regular basis. Servicing a Pool Filter takes anywhere from 1 to 2 hours, depending on type.
The best way to handle algae is to NOT let it get started in the first place by having a weekly service account. Due to the warmth in Yuma and general good conditions for algae that exist here, it's very easy for your your pool to green up. There are few things better to rid a pool of algae than regular professional cleaning and maintenance. Algae destroys pool surfaces, so it's best NOT to let it take over. Algae populations will double in size every 24 hours in the right conditions, so a tiny spot of green or black can get out of hand in a matter of days.
If you have algae;
We believe the best way to handle an algae problem it to call a CPO Certified pool man to handle it. It may takes days to restore a pool back to clear water.
Pool water should be CLEAR. You should be able to clearly see the pool drain from the waters edge. Cloudy water could indicate potential harmful conditions. Possible causes of cloudy water;
Most people think green hair or nails is caused by the chlorine in the water. This is likely incorrect. Hair, nail and pool surface staining is usually caused by the presence of metals in the water. Copper, Iron etc. This requires proper testing of the water to narrow down. Call me we'll figure it out.
If your are smelling chlorine around your pool that is an indication that your pool water is out of balance. Chlorine smell in NOT actually caused by chlorine but by combined chlorine which is chlorine bound by waste products in your water. This is typically a combination of urine and chlorine. Contrary to what most people think Chlorine smell usually means you need more chlorine NOT less or you have other water quality issues.
Schedule a 10 point test and we'll figure it out together.
This is commonly attributed to chlorine, but typically is actually caused by chloramines, just like the chlorine smell it may be caused by to little chlorine as opposed to too much. Causes of skin irritation are;
Schedule a 10 point NSF water test and we'll figure it out together.
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